My day with a sick baby or Streaming Media
This morning started off a bit crummy. I had been waiting for one person to decide whether or not they were coming on our youth group trip to NY. Because I'd waited, I wasn't able to get a block of 5 seats together for the rest of the group. I was pretty much freaking out 4 people who signed up on time (I'd be the 5th seat) would have to sit by themselves because nothing was available. Thankfully I was able to call and they had 5 seats together, in the rear mezzanine (upper level) instead of the orchestra (with the rest of the seats), and with an extra $6.50 surcharge per ticket for using the phone. But at least we have a group together.This ticket fiasco was definitely a learning experience for me. I realized that I really do want to make individuals happy, and accommodate their needs. But in doing so I made the experience for everyone else a little less enjoyable. It's got me thinking seriously about how I plan trips, but also that I need to really think about the entire group, and not hold off for just one person.
At the same time I had one of the best day's I've ever had with my daughter today. I spent 6 hours watching her or (most of the time) with her in my arms. I barely checked e-mail, and just sat while she slept in my arms for an hour and a half. It's really just amazing to look at a sleeping baby, and stare at them. To look at her features, and just be amazed by how beautiful she is.
I mean, just look at this:
Anyway, she was sick all day, which is why I ended up staying home. My brother in-law has gotten us to call poops "downloading". So today's problem I could only call "streaming media", and MAN was it streaming. But it did get me to have some time with Rachel which I don't normally get.
On top of it I presented an annual review for a co-worker. It went really well, and I came away pretty happy with the job I did.
I also got to head to Best Buy and Wal Mart to buy some movies and music I'd been waiting a long time for. I finally picked up some of the classic romances (well, 80's - 90's classics). My DVD rack now contains When Harry Met Sally, Sleepless in Seattle, Dying Young and Bambi. Okay, the last two aren't exactly romances (especially Bambi), but still great movies. The only other two I was really looking for is Strictly Ballroom and While You Were Sleeping (what else am I missing). I also picked up Bon Jovi's Slippery When Wet and New Jersey CD's, since mine have apparently gone missing.
The day with the Lenten series as we walk through The Jesus Creed. Tonight was interesting, though last weeks seemed to bring about more conversation both for our group and Erin's. But it's still great to get together with friends and talk for a while. Learning more about each-other and how God works in our lives.
So, all in all what began as a crummy day ended up great! Now if only Rachel would feel better :(
Love is complicated, way more complicated than driving a car, which you're barely old enough to do.
Joan of Arcadia
1 comment(s):
Glad to see you are blogging. I love that Joan quote.
Hope to see you Sunday.
Miriam, at
3/03/2005 6:23 PM
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