How Old Am I? And Static...
Ok, it's so weird, but I had 9 posts for the lol entry. People may just be bored, but I wonder if it’s that people like to correct old people like me. I mean, Alex had a great explanation of why he uses lol and what all the different statements mean. I honestly think he was right on, especially after seeing other people's comments. It does seem that lol just means someone thought that was funny.
Obviously I'm getting to the point where I'm old and crotchety. I think that lol should mean what the acronym stands for. But now I'll just have to change my way of thinking and go with lol meaning "hey, that's funny"!
Of course, this also means I have to accept that I'm old. But then I tell everyone that I'm old. Of course, the usual answer from teenagers is that I AM old. From adults I get that I'm incredibly young. Another thing I realized in high school is that you’re apparently only as old as the person you are asking. Anyone older than you (and I mean, even if they are one month older than you) will say you're young. Anyone younger than you (and now I mean anyone one month or younger) will be happy to say how old you are.
So, I guess I'm admitting how old I am with the question about lol (though I am pretty Internet savvy, so I really do know a lot about AIM - but then I used savvy in a sentence, so I must be old).
Thankfully I got to feel young yesterday evening. I called our priest Father Rob to ask a question about buying movie tickets for youth group. He gets on the phone and does a GREAT impression of a very staticky line with hiss and everything. It was incredibly believable... Except... I had to inform him cell phones are all digital now. The static and hiss is all analog. Teenagers today may not even know what static is (except from the radio maybe). If it's a bad connection the person just drops off.
So, he appreciated the delicate way I handled the situation (heh heh) and got even with me by stopping talking at incredibly inconvenient times the rest of the night. I got the last laugh by filling him in on this story below:
When I was asking myself the question "How Old Am I?" I was thankful for the great answer... Thank goodness I'm not as old as Rob... he's still analog!
2 comment(s):
Tom- Your only as old as you act. For instance Father Rob is still analog so hes obveoulsy very old. You dont always act very mature so I am gonna have to say your young. All the time i get people telling me that im like 18 or all ready a senior in highschool if not in coledge, when im only 14 and a freshman in highschool. i guss got sompthing to do with my size but people tell me i dont act like a 14 yr old. so really you are as old as you act weather your realy mature making you seem older, or petty and menical making you seem younger than your age. and whats the bg deal with age any way? i mean your age shouldent matter at all it should be totaqlly based on trust. and the only reason people base decisions on age insted of trust is because of experence and naturaly since youv been around lo9nger youl (hopefully) know more and know better. finally just because you use savvy and other words like that dosent mean your old it just means that you have a vast vocabulary and that shows your intelagence. sry bout the long comment but i thought it needed to be said so thanks tom
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8/01/2005 4:50 PM
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8/10/2005 9:39 AM
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