Tuesday, March 07, 2006

My Wife’s Attentiveness

Well, apparently my wife reads my blog entries even when I don’t tell her something interesting is up here. Yeah, who knew, right?

So, she seemed to disagree slightly with my blog entry about painting the house. Now, I would hope everyone reading my entries knows that I tend to take certain “liberties” when it comes to reciting the facts. This helps in two ways, one, I don’t have the best memory, so I tend to get facts mixed up, but the point of the story is accurate. Secondly, it’s funny. Yeah, bad reason I guess, but it makes me smile sometimes.

Erin did, if course, hear what I said. Unfortunately I hadn’t considered just how similar we are.

Once given an opportunity to do something I pretty much need to do it right away. Erin is about the same, she doesn’t have to do something right away, but if she has the time is right she’d rather take care of it immediately instead of letting it slip where she may forget it.

And so we come back to painting. I do appreciate the suggestions on painters. We actually did get two quotes for our family room, foyer and kitchen.

There were quotes ManorWorks (a local company which Erin knew one of the original founders) who gave us a quote of about $2,500 and Jose who quoted $800, but we had to pay for paint. Don’t get me wrong, ManorWorks was great, they would fix all nail pops and come and give us a color consultation in our house. Unfortunately I’m cheap and didn’t want to spend an extra $1,000 for nail pops, since Erin and (more importantly) her mom had already decided on colors.

So, a thousand dollars and 3 days later our main floor is almost completely painted. All that’s left is a small mud room and my office. Truly, the mud room will get painted before I clean up the office enough to get to the walls… I don’t even know if it still has walls or if the junk and book shelves are separating me from the elements.

So, I do apologize for what I said. It was darned funny though, so, am I really sorry? Probably not, I don’t even know if I apologized when she brought it up verbally. But, I love her and she loves me. Thankfully she knew (mostly) what she was getting when she married me, a guy who likes to joke a lot even if he’s not very funny.

So remember, if you’re going to blog about your wife or husband, just be sure it’s really, really funny so that you don’t have to be sorry later!


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