Wednesday, February 22, 2006


While I’ve been having an insanely busy and event-ridden week, I haven’t seemed to have the inspiration to write. I have a million and one ideas, and all of them seem like junk. I’m not exactly sure what’s going on, but if you do read my mind ramblings please bear with me.

That kind of leads into why it is that I even write this blog. I started writing here because other people were doing it and I figured I’d give it a try. There were some of the youth from youth group who I figured might want to read what I’m thinking about. But when Rob jumped on I sure couldn’t let him be more technologically involved in something than I was. I had no idea where it was going but I found a great peace in writing and thinking others might find it helpful. I’ve been thinking a bit more lately and have gotten a better idea of what I hope this blog is.

I have a million and one focuses in my life. Underlying everything I do (and if I really admit it, everything I’ve always done) is to help people become something more than they are. I want people to do bigger and better things than they are doing right now. Heck, I even want each of us to become something more than they could ever be by ourselves.

I want each one of us to find someone who will stand with us and help us create miracles right here in this world. Find those people who build us up to realize that we are better than what the world “says” we are. That you, right now, can be helping to heal this world.

So I write to give hope. To give you a glimpse of my life and the amazing things that happen to me all the time. I also write to help open our eyes to things which can be improved or ways to live.

No serious facts, though I love to research (mainly for things I’ll buy, as I’ve said before, I’m super cheap). No real insights you couldn’t figure out on your own. Just the realization that I know you can do anything you want when you set your mind to it… That you can be better than you are today… That you do want to do everything you can to make this world a place you love to live in.


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