Chili and Blogs
Okay, so Chili doesn't have much of anything to do with a blog. But some genius will probably find a way. Too bad I'm not much of a genius.I jsut got back from our annual Booz Allen Chili Cookoff. Over the weekend I volunteered to help a co-worker hand out some of her chili. People get together and make 12 - 18 quarts of chili to be handed out to other Booz Allen employees. We sold over 400 tickets (at $5 - $7 a ticket) and hade 280 votes put in. Unfortunately, Kristen didn't win. It's kind of surprising since hers was about the best chili, and many people were talkign about it and sending others to our table to try some. But, the guy who won first place was another friend, and while his chili was sweet and not very traditional, it was still good. So now he moves on to compete corporate wide. To give you a feel, our McLean campus has about 7,000 employees. Corporate-wide we have 14,000. So it'll be interesting if he wins.
The whole point was to raise money for the Relay for Life. This one was actually for the Reston one, though I am goign to be looking for some Booz Allen support for our youth group (or at least some free food and snacks). So, with the pre-sales tickets of about 400 @ $5, then another 100 or so sold today @ $7, Booz Allen probably brought in about $2,700. Kind of insane for 1 1/2 hours worth of work. But then people went way out of their way making chili.
It really was great to see some co-workers I hadn't seen in years. And to just laugh, market chili and have fun :)
There were other things I wanted to mention which occurred ot me while reading the paper. But in keeping this short I really wanted to tough on the topic of blogs, and especially blogs for teenagers. But as I think about it, that'll be a long blog in itself. So I'm actually goign to talk about that in a blog later today.
Until then, check out this Washington Post article on one amazingly dedicated father. I only wish I could be as committed and solid as he is. Any ideas on how we can help?
A Young Father's Rare Choice
People don't belong to each-other, regardless of whatever contract they sign. They choose each-other every day.Peace.
Joan of Arcadia
1 comment(s):
hey--where that post on teenagers blogging you promised YESTERDAY!
I'm eagerly awaitin'...
Anonymous, at
3/08/2005 10:12 PM
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