Friday, May 20, 2005

Writing for Him

It has been quite a while since I've really made the time to add new posts. I wish I could say I was sorry, but life really has been keeping me wonderfully busy. Rachel's beginning to walk, the house is good, we have friends visiting and I really enjoyed Star Wars Episode III. Though I do want to put in a quick plug.

About three weeks ago our church began posting daily devotions based on the Epistle for the day (the Epistle is one of the readings specified from the Book of Common Prayer, that red book you see in Episcopal Churches). I was really happy and honored to be asked to enter a devotion every Thursday. While mine certainly isn't the best entry of the week, I really do enjoy reading passages and communicating my own thoughts and feelings on God's word. I get to do this a little on Sunday nights, but here I really get to focus on His word.

There are 7 others who post entries for each other day of the week (two people trade off Saturdays). They have messages incredibly meaningful and touching. So, give it a look. Have you ever written on God's word, if not, give it a try. If you have and stopped try and pick it up again. This really is a great way to go deeper into His word, past just reading.

Give it a read and post your comments with your own thoughts on the reading.


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