Sunday, December 18, 2005

Secret Santa

For those who have been on the edge of their seat to hear about Amber’s party, I finally have the answer. Apparently it went better than she ever hoped or expected. We talked in disgusting detail which I won’t give you here.

Sufficed to say, Amber walked into the party feeling a bit nervous and sitting with her boyfriends parents. She did build up her confidence enough and actually got out on the floor and danced. She danced whether her boyfriend was there or not, and even went up to groups of people and had some good conversations with them (even making some friendships where she thought none would exist).

Thank you all for your prayers and thoughts, they worked! She came away feeling better about herself then when she went in, and it seems like her relationship is even stronger. This was such great news we just kept talking for forever. Truly though I’m more excited for her than I can even put into words.

That led me to thinking about this party we just had for youth group. Lauren (one of the teenagers) put together this great idea of having a Secret Santa exchange within youth group. In the end about 25 people signed up, which was great. So we all met at a small Italian restaurant called Pomodoro’s for lunch today to share pizza and exchange gifts.

21 of us piled into the restaurant, complained about how seafood be pizza must be gross (Lauren was good enough to try it and liked it), and talked for over an hour.

Doing this today though, I really looked around the table more and looked at each individual. I kept seeing which people around the table were feeling the same way Amber did last year, nervous, quiet, huddled in the corner not sure what to do or what to say.

I wish I could say that I found those people, went right over to them and brought them into the conversations. Unfortunately I wasn’t that good. I did talk to people a bit and try to bring them into other conversations around the table. I already know I missed two or three kids, but someone else may have stepped up there.

I know Lauren did an awesome job making people feel welcome. One person said that Lauren is probably the nicest person they know, which I would definitely agree with. She gave up her seat, offered pizza and generally worked herself around the table talking to everyone. I don’t know what they were all talking about, but I just loved seeing someone “working” the table.

I wonder if, after reading some of this stuff, will look at parties differently. If you’re part of the “in” crowd will you look at individuals you know and don’t know, and go to them if their off in the corner? I know I’m looking at the people closer.


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