Thursday, August 31, 2006

Refuting Real School

I mentioned being back in in school a few days ago (or was that just yesterday) and alluded to how Nova, the community college wasn't real school.  Of all the people to refute me, my own wife comes across Talking about Five Myths About Community Colleges on Encarta.  It's definitely worth looking through.

I chose Nova for four main reasons:

  1. It was easy to get into.  I registered online and was accepted as soon as I hit submit;
  2. it is close.  All other schools I'm considering are at least an hour away;
  3. it's cheap, you can't beat $250 per class; and
  4. it was safe, if I Fail a class it doesn't affect my GPA for other schools at all.

Apparently I really am back in real school.  God is just continuing to work my life in some amazing ways, letting me know that heading off to Nova is a pretty darned good idea.  I'm excited to see what comes out of it.


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