Strange Things are Afoot
Have you ever listened to a morning show on the radio and they talk about their Arbitron rated X number of listeners? In DC there’s the Jack Diamond Morning Show on Mix 107.3 which always boasts (sarcastically) an Arbitron rated 7 listeners. Maybe it’s more now; we stopped listening once we got XM.I always wondered where this number came from, and what it meant. I know more than 7 people listen in the morning (especially after they added more songs to their repertoire (see how I can use repertoire in a sentence? Never mind that I misspelled it the first time). Unfortunately Wikipedia wasn’t any help this time around. So I’ll have to leave the mystery of the low number unsolved.
In any case I was changing the top banner for my blog and noticed the ClustrMaps Map for my site. I’m shocked not by where people are coming from, but the sheer number of people reading my blog… every day.
Up until a week ago I could have told you that I had three regular readers. Rob, Mason/Miriam and Jessica. Now, unless they really like what I say, I can’t imagine they visit my site at least 3 times a day each (on top of the 3 people who subscribe). All I know is that strange things are happening for me to have so many readers.
I’ve gotten so much support and people have come up to talk to me because of the changes coming my way and things I’ve discussed only in this blog. I am deeply touched by that, and I thank you all for welcoming me into a little bit of your life.
I don’t know that I give you all the same amount of knowledge, experience or emotion as I get from you, but I’m glad to know I get to share this life with you.
1 comment(s):
I am one of those "others" that reads it. Work gets boring so i check in, nothing new, but i'll check in later in at luch and later in the day to catch something new, so yes, that is why at tiems i check in up 3 times some days :)
I want to say I love your church finder idea, it's really great. John & I are going thru a phase. I hate the crying room and Mad won't behave in the church, and John can't pay attention if she is acting up, so mainly i go once in a while to try her, and as soon as she runs or something, i'm otta there. It's convient that i's a short walk across the parkign lot to home, hehe. We really liked where MAd was Christened, they had no crying room so they were used to noisy kids, but it's just a bother for us to get up and drive over there now. Plus mad sleeps in so late. Whatever the excuse, i have a ton, and now i can add that we aren't even home on sudays due to the shore house :(
BUt I DO, really really Do want to rejoin this fall, especially since i need to belong to a parish so i feel better about christening my new child there.
Anonymous, at
8/19/2006 8:22 PM
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