Sunday, September 03, 2006

Million Dollar Idea #3: Zoo Wars

animals; fighting ??Today we went to the Cape May County Zoo.  I have to say, this is a zoo that seems very well maintained, is really interesting and does it all on donations alone.

While we were there my friend John had a great idea.  He wondered who would win if you threw a lion in with an alligator.  That spurred on the discussion of a new reality show that we'll need to make.  This one would probably go on Discovery or Animal Planet.

We'll take an animal from each habitat, starve them for a few days then throw them into a cage together and let them duke it out!  I bed we'd get millions of viewers throughout the series (except maybe the turtle vs. giant sloth fight - maybe time lapse video will be needed there).

This is one I definitely can't pull off on my own.  So, if you love this idea as much as the time machine, then you get to run with it, no charge.


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