Catalyst: Day 1 Thoughts
I have two requirements for a conference. Perhaps this comes from mainly attending technology based events for working at a technological firm. There are the two things that really help me enjoy a conference.
- Wi-Fi access (Free broadband)
- Power outlets (I’m relegated to the back row so I can find a plug for every other session to make sure my laptop doesn’t die in the middle of a talk)
Yeah, these may be minor, but they struck me as a serious lack of the facilities.
Of course, this doesn’t actually reflect directly on the Catalyst conference itself. In general it has been good, though not necessarily great. While the materials are really visual and interesting, they are not functional at all. We’ve been flipping back and forth between pages have just had a hard time really identifying the information we need (what room a speaker is in and what the person is talking about).
I have also discovered another pet peeve of mine. When a worship service is going on the slides for the words should not change font from song to song, the background should not interfere with reading the words and, most important (probably because Rob has drilled it in my head) the words the congregation should sing should be up on the wall before we have to sing them, not after we’ve already started the verse.
The last two speakers really were great and have gotten me to look at how I’ve been a part of youth ministry and where I can grow as I move through any leadership position. It’s time for me to begin creating a community centered around building leaders.
In the end, I don’t go to a conference for the organization or really even for the speakers. You can hear them on CD or DVD afterward for far cheaper.
You go to a conference to get away from life for a while and really connect with those around you. So far, that has been great. We’ve bonded around a plane flight where we couldn’t see outside the plane (unless you could the 2 inches between the window and the engine). We’ve discussed the great artists (Bon Jovi & Genesis of course). Then there was a new college grad we met on the plane (stinks I never got her name) who’s heading back to Texas to begin looking for a job as an elementary school teacher. I just know God is going to work some amazing acts through this woman.
I’m really excited to see God work through the conference and the community we’ll be finding in each of us. It’ll be fun.
1 comment(s):
I'm having a hard time deciding which is more awesome and offers society more... Bon Jovi or a marshmellow shooter? what do you think?
Jess, at
10/07/2006 8:20 PM
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