Sunday, October 01, 2006

I Smell Like Sour Milk

You know it's a good party when you can walk away and say "I small like sour milk".  Ok, not everyone says that, but in this case, it's very true.

I just went to my final youth group meeting of 2006.  This was an incredibly fun and immensely moving night for me. 

The fun came in the form of some incredible games (all of which people threw things at my face) or the Jell-O pie eating contest with whipped cream (which I won, woo hoo) though I now have a face with old whipped cream which makes me smell like sour milk. 

Then there were the gifts.  I got a big poster with pictures and notes from everyone.  Tegan and Taylor went way beyond what I expected and I'm still trying to get my mind around a gift that took so much time and love.  The stories brought me to tears, I can't believe the number of lives God has allowed me to touch.  Then there is my new Peter Pan hat from Christine, Amy and Kim and my old shirt with signatures all over it.  Also the sheer amount that Peter, Mary and Martha (along with help from many teens including the Hansbergers and some I don't even know about) put into the evening just awes me.

Last were the stories.  Stories of how I've touched lives and how those people have changed me.  There were so many stories, serious, long hugs and sheer love that it's moved me more that I can ever put into words.

I keep wondering what God has in store for me.  Right now He's given me some really great people to lean on and the realization that I need to really rely on the support of those around me.  I've got to think that youth will always be a part of my life; these guys have moved me so much.

Now that this evening has finished and I'm really off of youth group for the next few months, it's time for me to reflect on them and on God's call for me.  I'll go into those details another day.

Tonight I am going to enjoy heading off to bed with the vivid memories of the night as I smell my face covered in sour milk.


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