During our recent staff retreat, we talked a lot about stories. We talked about hearing the special stories about how a particular program or even touched someone's life.
Right now I'm on my way into work listening to WMZQ (you can tell Erin's driving, I wouldn't be listening to commercial radio, or even typing on a laptop as I drive) as they advertise their upcoming job fair. What struck me about this ad is that it wasn't an advertisement so much as a storytelling.
During parts of the program they would just have employees come up to the microphone and talk about how they found their job at WMZQ, what they love about it (they did love what they did, that part was emphasized a lot) and how the job has affected their life. The DJ (the ads went on throughout the day) would ask the person questions and drop in some of their own experience.
You knew that what these people did at WMZQ was more than just a job. They were doing what they loved with people they liked to be around. You also heard from everyone, the DJ's, studio producers, sales people and even the interns.
These guys have storytelling down. Whenever we have an event at church, there should be people talking about how it's changed them. If we aren't hearing any stories for our programs, maybe those programs need to be revisited.
Stories are all I can think about now as I go places (Rachel's gym class, Rachel's school, college, church events, meetings (yes, meetings) or retreats). What story do I want to tell afterward? More importantly, what stories do other people want to share?
If you've got a story, share it! If you've heard a story, let someone else know. The best way to change lives is to talk about how your life is changing.
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