Gift Mixes
I have met some incredible people in my life. Some of what I've done in this blog is to talk about them. That's not to say anything like "nyah, nyah, my friends are better than your friends". It's not even to say that there's hope for the world in us human beings, though there is.
The reason I share these stories is to remind myself and get others thinking about real practical ways that we can make a lasting difference in this world. Ways we can be remembered by others for the incredible ways (both big and small) we change the world.
This story is about Christine. I was over at her place working on their computer. I had to bring Rachel, who was about six months old at the time, since Erin was off someplace else.
While I'm playing with the computer (thank goodness they've since gotten rid of it) Christine was holding on to Rachel and settling her down from a bit of crying. How did she do it? She began to hum/sing to her. For the Merola's though, not just any song would do. Rachel was regaled with the theme from the Mario brothers (the original Nintendo version). Needless to say, while I couldn't settle Rachel, Christine's rendition of the Mario Brothers worked immediately.
Soon we were both singing along. Doot-doot-doot-du-doot deet-da-deet (see, it's not humming, but it's not singing either, really Christine was beeping in key to Rachel).
Why, after almost two years, do I bring this up? Well, Rachel likes to sing songs to herself when she's going off to sleep. I am almost positive I heard her singing a little bit of the Mario Brothers song. Two years later Rachel still has that buried deep in her mind.
What little gift that you have inside of you every day can you use to make an impact that lasts for years on another person? God has done some amazing things through Christine's gaming experience and her singing voice. He just amazes me sometimes with how it all comes together.
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