Catalyst: Andy Stanley
One of the unavoidable consequences of leadership is that you get attention. Once you say "follow me" you get an inordinate amount of attention. The harder you try to come off the pedestal the more you're on it because people love to follow leaders who don't want to be on a pedestal.
At the end of the day, regardless of how we got there, it is the most high god that is sovereign over the kingdom of men, and he gives them to whoever he wishes.
It's real easy for a little bit of attention to take us off center.
We're all set-up and prone for failure when we forget that the sovereign god is ruler of men, and gives them to anyone he wishes and sets over them the lowliest of men (Daniel 4:17)
All leadership is a stewardship. It is given to people and it is taken away. It is temporary and all leaders are accountable.
Do you believe that all of God's ways are just? It's hard because I want to view god through my own lens of temporal understanding.
If it's true that god has placed you where you are and gifted you with leadership, then you have to get up every morning and lead with all the diligence you can find.
The sovereign god of leadership has put you where you are, and you just need to relax.
When you begin thinking "If I don't it won't" or "If I do it will" then it begins to become all about me.
If this is true, who do you need to be afraid of? If god has gifted you and given you this place, then who should you fear?
The church leadership are not the people who put you in your position as a pastor. I'm not working for men, I'm accountable to men, I'm going to be responsible to men, but God has placed me here.
Of all the leaders in the world, those of us who are Christians should have the hallmark of humility. Why aren't pastors, Christian leaders known as the most humble people others have met?
Leadership is a stewardship. There is not one speck of room for arrogance in leadership of the church.
Every day, within the context of your time with God, you pray "you are the sovereign of men and you give it to whoever you want to. Today I want to lead with all my heart and not fear any man. At the end of the day I want to be the most humble man I can be."
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