Feeling Crummy
Yesterday flew by in a whirlwind with today being the complete antithesis of that. I woke up feeling nauseous and really light-headed. I guess I must have been drinking last night, though I don't remember a moment of it. I guess I'll have to ask my wife if she took advantage of me :)Today's been a day full of napping and feeling crummy. I am definitely one of those people who, when they get sick, feel quite fine relaxing and getting better. Though I guess that's not completely true, since here I am blogging away. I promise it'll be a short one though.
I was reading Cindy's blog, one of my best friends from college, and it really struck a chord with me. She talked about meeting up with an old middle and high school friend who's in the Army. Someone she hadn't seen in 8 years, and after being stations soon may go another 8 years without seeing her.
Since I started these new friendships with people in Pennsylvania I've been thinking a bit about how we are able to keep these long distance relationships going without being able to see one-another so often. IM really has made a profound difference in my life.
My friend Amber is in the Army ROTC. While this is awesome and perfect for her, I can't help but think about some of the possibilities in her future. That she'll be out of the country for years at a time, or worse, while stationed out some real tragedy may come her way. Now, it is all God's plan, but I can't help but think that his plan may not go the way I want it too.
This also got me thinking about my friend Kat (the one and only). She IM'd me right before Christmas after not talking to her for at least 2 years. She and I were great friends during my last two years in college. She even flew out for a long weekend when I was abroad in London. We were those friends who could tell one-another when they were being moronic.
When she IM'd me out of the blue it was one of those weird and great times which you don't expect and don't know exactly how to respond. I ended up doing what I always do, talking with the person I was so close to as though no time had passed.
We did talk about the time we've missed but really just keyed in on what’s going on in each-others lives right now. She's a published author (in a college mag anyway) and looking to publish some books she's written. On top of it all she's no starving artist, but instead a starving college kid who's going to be defending her dissertation soon. I know, it’s surprising that I actually know some interesting people in the world!
So, with the New Year, I'd like us all to look at our old friendships and see what we can do to bring a spark of joy into their lives. Also look to those people you are friends with right now and just be thankful for them. Realize God is leading the love you share and he'll lead you to the people you most need when you most need them.
Thank goodness for friendship.
1 comment(s):
Well, I think more often than not, you were the one being moronic. ;-) I'm just messing with ya.
I've found that good friendships never really disappear- they may fade a little over time, but they can easily be picked up and repaired. Friendships are evolving entities, but if there's a solid base, they'll always be there.
Kat, at
1/03/2006 5:59 PM
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