Thursday, December 22, 2005

Favorite Part of the Job

This is probably the last question/answer I'll post from the report. There was one other question, but I'm not sure whether I want to answer the question of whether I'm in a good or bad place in life yet. We'll see if there's an answer tomorrow :)

In case you somehow missed it, these are answers to questions helping a out out with her school project.

For tonight the question is:
What's your favorite part about being a youth minister?
With my answer:
Wow, my favorite part?

Ok, my favorite part is being able to talk to someone about a question or problem and really make a difference in their lives and in the way they see the world.

I love being able to have youth do something they wouldn't normally do and find out they love it. Getting people to see the world as something much bigger than just themselves.

Just helping individual youth grow up seeing the world as a place they want to help and heal instead of a place where they can just get what they want.


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