Line Dancing
Last Saturday my wife, her mom and I decided to head down to Nick’s night club in Alexandria for some line dancing.When Erin and I started dating we went line dancing a lot. We (and her mom) would go out almost weekly to a bar near us and just have a great night stumbling over our feet and making fools of myself. Okay, I’ll be honest, I stumbled and made a fool of myself while Erin and her mom did great and even taught me stuff.
After we moved into our townhouse we didn’t go as often. The drive changed from 20 minutes to about 45, which was just a lot for the middle of the week. It’s gotten so bad that we hadn’t gone for about 3 years.
A few weeks ago I mentioned line dancing when my friends from Pennsylvania were coming down. When that trip got cancelled Erin was bummed and we decided it was time to go again.
This was an incredibly awesome night. If anything I wish I’d had my wedding band on, since it’s almost always lady’s night and can get a little confusing sometimes. What always strikes me though is just how nice everyone is to one-another.
We went to Nick’s in Alexandria (21 and over only, sorry kids) for a lesson from 8 – 9. Then the Southern Winds band came out and plays for a couple hours including songs for the dances we just learned. It also helped that the people giving the lesson were the same people from a few years ago. All around it just felt like we were coming back to a fun, comfortable place.
We learned three dances. Two of which I had down pretty well, and one I knew the beginning and end but had the middle all mixed up. Thankfully by the time we really danced it I did great with that middle part (and screwed up the beginning, dumb coaster steps).
One of the dances was a circle dance where we ended up switching off partners. So I’d start with Erin but work my way around the entire circle meeting a bunch of different women (girls on the outside, guys inside). It really was fun, we’d say hi, some would say thank you, some I’d strike up a two sentence conversation and laugh. Everyone was smiling, chatty, messing up and doing well.
When the band was playing, Mary (one of the instructors from class) saw me just kind of watching the dance. She came right up, grabbed my arm and asked me if I knew the dance. When I said no she was just wonderful. She dragged me onto the floor and taught me the dance. I tripped around a lot, but she just was so patient and kind in giving advice on how to step while also just letting me figure it out. There’s a reason we go to Nick’s, and this is definitely one of them.
We left reeking of smoke. Our clothes were washed the next morning and my morning shower was very welcome. Besides the smell though, it was a great night. Erin’s mom wants to go every week (she lives a bit closer than we do). Erin and I will be going out about one Saturday a month when Southern Winds is playing.
That night I really got to thinking about people. So often I see people out only for themselves. People who are more intent on blaming others than helping them figure something out. People who want to stay to themselves and not open up to strangers.
When I go to Nick’s people apologize for blocking your view of the floor, laugh with you if you misstep (usually, some people still get a bit critical), and are genuinely interested in helping you learn something they care about. Even when people would bump into me they apologized immediately, which happens so rarely when I go out to other places.
It’s great to have a place where you can feel comfortable. Everyone remember the TV show Cheers? Nick’s feels a bit like that. It’s much bigger, but just a comfortable place to go. Plus you get some exercise at Nick’s. People are just considerate of one-another.
Do you have a place like that to go? Some place away from home and “life” to just do something fun with others? A place where you and a bunch of strangers are doing something you enjoy?
My dad met my mother-in-law while at a swing dancing class. What is it about dancing that just makes us happy and willing to meet others?
Blogging is one of those things which help me deprogram and clear out some of the clutter in my mind. Going out dancing with my wife helps do the same thing, both for myself and for our marriage. We just need a couple of hours away from the kids to enjoy something new.
Is there a place you can go which gives you this release? I know I’m looking forward to dancing in February.
1 comment(s):
Wow... Nicks. And Southern Winds! Who would know that they were still around??
Remember that place in Springfield... Blackies? That was fun. Of course, that place is now part of 95 I think.
The best thing about line dancing is that you can be horrible, and it doesn't matter. And everyone leaves there with a smile on their face. I think it has something to do with the themes of country music, as opposed to other types of music.
My latest thing to clear my mind is scrapbooking. I try to go to a night crop every couple of months or so. I guess I should get out more often, but I like to be crafty, and all the women - yes it is all women- chat, and talk and look at each other's books. It's great.
Cindy, at
1/31/2006 9:52 PM
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