Getting Old
I have this very strange suspicion that I'm getting old. Now, I don't say that because my 31st birthday is at the end of the month. While I still feel young and full of energy, I'm getting the impression that my body is beginning to disagree a little.After painting our upstairs hallway (I promised my wife last month that if she tells me a color I'll get the room painted) my left knee had a bit of a dull throb and was hard to walk on the next day. Thankfully some Aleve alleviated (heh heh) the problem a bit, but it remained until two days later. Then it as gone and forgotten.... Until today.
I have some suspicions that its arthritis related (crazy genes I've inherited) and maybe sometime I'll ask the doctor about it. Today it just came out of nowhere (though it was raining, and I heard that can make it flare up). I was hobbling on and off all day and tonight my right knee started bugging me.
Like I said... I think I may be getting a little old.
I guess I’ll just have to remember that I have an awesome life, and will continue to live it like a crazy college student. Or, a crazy college student with a wife, daughter, no classes and an active church life anyway.
If I have any message it’s just this. You’re only as old as you feel… After taking a little Aleve.
3 comment(s):
ouch! Sorry about the sore knee. Aleve is some good stuff. My husband has these things called Pain-Aids that he bought form a traveling drug salesman (?!) and they work very, very good. The best.
Sheri, at
2/04/2006 5:11 PM
You aint seen nothin' yet, kid!
Anonymous, at
2/07/2006 3:44 PM
Hahaha! I'm turning 30 in April...I feel your pain, bud!
Hey, I'm coming into town with my girl and her 9-year-old in a few weeks. We'll leave here on the 10th and get into town on the 11th, then leave there the morning of the 18th to drive home. Any chance we could get together with you and the family during that time? Also, do you know how to get ahold of Heidi? I'd love to see her, too...
Anonymous, at
2/17/2006 12:05 PM
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