I Love It When A Plan Comes Together
Anyone remember that phrase from the A-Team in the 80’s? Murdoch was the BEST; I wish I could be crazy like he was. For some reason “I love it when a plan comes together” teases the back of my brain a lot. That was especially true last night.As I mentioned a few weeks ago, I decided to buy a used minivan and get rid of my Nissan Quest. The Saturday before last I picked up a Chrysler Town & Country with 109K miles on it. I know it’s a lot. But it is a great car, and already I love it as much as I loved my Nissan Quest. That’s especially true since I paid for it with my own money and just don’t care if I get a ding here or a stain there.
Well, I went to CarMax to sell my Quest and found I’d have to pay $3,500 to give the car to them. So, facing this, I did what any level-headed person would do... I freaked out internally. I thanked the CarMax guy and headed out, wondering where I’d get 3K.
In the end I decided to try selling the car online at Cars.com. Erin and I talked about it and we figured (see the special use of “we” since I can’t remember whose idea it was initially? That’s called marital bliss) that I could at least put it online for a few weeks and see what happens. So I put it up not feeling very optimistic.
Sure enough, the next day I get a call from someone in Tennessee. Two days later I get a call from someone else in my area, and yesterday I got yet a third call. I was kind of surprised.
Last night I met with a couple and their middle school aged daughter. They showed up almost exactly at 7, ringing the doorbell seconds after I finally got Rachel to sleep. I was so glad Rachel went to sleep and stayed asleep after the doorbell rang, since I hadn’t expected it.
The whole family was really nice, easy to talk to, and I just felt good about them (heck, they loved our Golden Retriever, Winnie, and doted on her, which is always a plus in my book). So good I had to let them drive around in the car without me in it (long story boiling down to Rachel being asleep and Erin was at her mom’s house). Maybe I am a bit too trusting sometimes.
So, they came back, offered a bit below what I was asking, but wanted the car that night. They were amenable to the junk I had to do to get the title from the bank and pretty much everything was done.
I walked them out to the car and made sure I had everything out of it. I felt really, really good. I had no regrets selling the car, and I was glad it was going to a family that would appreciate it. This weekend they are off to Richmond for a travel soccer team. Yeah, my Nissan is now a soccer mom’s car :).
God was just putting all the pieces together. From Rachel sleeping through it all, the timing for their arrival working so well, them having the money immediately and being ready to buy, my finding just the right van at the right price. Everything just felt right. Not to mention the relief I’m still feeling that I don’t have to worry about paying for the Nissan or any of its minor annoyances anymore.
I just love it when God’s plan comes together. I especially love it when I’m affected so directly (yeah, I’m selfish, I admit it). Now, how can I give away any of this extra money I have?
1 comment(s):
The Lord is good!
Welcome to the Bomb Squad (as in, we drive old bombs. But really, your "old bomb" is actually quite nice!)
Anonymous, at
3/18/2006 9:17 PM
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