Friday, October 13, 2006

Paper Perfection

Ok, it wasn't perfect.  I even found a big dividing line in the middle of my third page (thankfully the teacher said not to worry about it).  If some of you were wondering though, I did get my paper done and in on time.  I failed to mention that in the 5 hours I had to finish it there was a 1 1/2 hour meeting (which actually lasted 2 1/2 hours) plus the drive home (thankfully I could work on the paper during that).

Anyway, it got done and isn't half bad.  Erin proofed it and had very, very few changes.  Thank goodness for her and Ann giving me a paper to use for formatting (I couldn't have cheated off it; I didn't even read her title or content.  I barely understood her citations) and her advice on going to the Perdue Web site.

In any case, it's together and out.  I think it came out relatively well.  We'll know more next week when I present it to the class.  That will be so much easier, I love talking.

Thank you all for your prayers.  It's been a crazy week, but everything is catching up nicely.

Oh yeah, and why the heck did she choose Dr. Shepherd over the vet guy.  Insanity I tell you, I'd marry the vet guy if I could.  :)


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