I've begun to notice something a little off around the office. Once I noticed it a bit more I also began to notice the same thing going on with people outside work (sadly this includes church and youth group). What I'm talking about is a false sense of entitlement.We have a couple of new developers who recently (within the past 1 1/2 years) joined our team. While they are all good developers I was fairly surprised that each and every one of them felt they deserved a promotion at their annual assessment. To the point that one person openly complained to our higher manager and to the reviewer by attacking the job the reviewer did (We actually did look at the review again and put her up for promotion).
I feel like an old man when I say, "back in my day we earned a promotion by already doing the work for the next level". Here we have people who believe they deserve more than they currently have, and complain when things don't go their way. I started a level below each of these people, was glad to be promoted after my first year, but I had a concrete reason for promotion (I graduated college). It took a few years to get to the next level, and even more to make it where I am today.
I see something similar in youth group at times. We'll have an event come up and while I'll e-mail the group, announce it at G3 meetings, announce it at Starbucks and put it in the newsletter people still complain that they didn't know about an event. I truly have received a phone call from someone saying "Why didn't you call me and tell me you were doing that? I'd have come to youth group that night!" To which I can only ask whether they think I should call them every time we do something different from the norm to let them know about it. Believe it or not I receive a "yes". A serious yes, that certain youth who don't come regularly to any events should be called about events which might interest them.
I've also seen teenagers be upset at their birthday gift because it wasn't as good as what they got last year, or it wasn't as much money. For those of us who have seen Harry Potter, just think about Dudley and his obsession with the number of birthday gifts he receives.
Heck I know I've gone through entitlement feelings as well. I was convinced I deserved my own promotion 2 and 3 years ago, but I didn't receive it. While it didn't seem fair (still doesn't in some ways) I didn't complain (other than to my wife :) ) and continued to work harder in the new role. Sure enough I've been promoted and really do feel like I deserve it (now if only I could be demoted again and have less responsibility).
The truth of the matter is that I don't deserve any of it. The beautiful house, the brilliant daughter, the wonderful wife, the good job, the incredible friends and relationships. I didn't "earn" any of it. They are blessings God has brought in my life. Why should I ask for more when I already have more than 99.9% of the world? How do we tell people that they have to accept hard times in their lives?
I understand this was a bit scattered. It's what happens when I'm frustrated about something. But I'm glad to have finally written about entitlement. Now I need to remember to live with other people who feel they are owed something in life. That I have those same feelings sometimes and should keep in mind a passage I wrote on in our Daily Devotions: 2 Timothy 3:1-17. People will complain and get what they want. At least I'll know where I will be 100 years from now (my head in a jar on Futurama!). Even that's a strong statement of entitlement, since I'm a sinner screw-up all on my own and can only pray I'm living His word correctly.
Your thoughts? I think I'm entitled to hear them! :)
2 comment(s):
What a great post Tom. I get annoyed when I hear about people complaining about "What I didn't get" or "What I deserved." It seems like people want to get the most out of the least amount of effort.
I also don't like the mindset of "It wasn't my fault." People tend to not take responsibility for their actions anymore.
On a side note - did you see the Futurarama where the ST cast went to another planet or something and they all got bodies, but then had to come back and lost their bodies? I'm not that great at explaining it I guess. Hehe.
Cindy, at
5/24/2005 1:58 PM
That futurama Rocked. You only had to say the Star Trek one and I'd known. But then I love that show!
Tom, at
5/26/2005 3:12 PM
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