I've Been Tagged
One of my best friends apparently hates me :) It's the only way I can explain that she'd tag me to fill out a survey. But, I've never done one over e-mail, so I think she's trying to balance it out. Anyway, I love Cindy so I'll fill out her crazy questions.
3 names I go by:
Tom, Bob and Tommy Baby (though I think only one person calls me Tommy Baby, tons call me Bob much to the dismay of high-schoolers)
3 Screen-names I've had:
TLBigNerd (I'm consistent, always only had one)
3 physical things I like about myself:
My eyes, my belly (shows how lazy I am with exercise) and my brain (it helps me get out of trouble when it's to getting me into it)
3 physical things I dislike about myself:
My umm.... Neck pain, toe-nails and my belly (I wish it were a manly six-pack)
3 parts of my heritage:
I think I'm Irish, Polish and American (a.k.a. mutt) but really though ask my wife, she probably knows
3 things I am wearing right now:
Tie, Collared shirt, Slacks (dumb work dress-code)
3 favorite bands / musical artists:
Erasure, Bon Jovi, Michael W. Smith
3 (of many) favorite songs:
Maskerade from The Phantom of the Opera, Friends by Michael W. Smith and Please Come Back by Michelle Tumes (though there are either a million favorites or none since I like so much)
3 things I want in a relationship:
Love, Communication and Honesty
3 physical things about the preferred sex that appeal to me:
Smile, Eyes, Hair
3 of my favorite hobbies:
Reading, Photography and Talking to Friends
3 things I want to do really badly right now:
Go to Starbucks and talk to people, Go home and relax and Be forgiven
3 things that scare me:
Someone I love being badly hurt, Messing up so badly it negatively impacts someone else's life and eternity without God
3 of my everyday essentials:
Waking up, getting a shower!, smiling
3 careers you have considered or are considering:
Programmer (good choice since it's what I do), Teacher, Youth Minister/Priest
3 places you want to go on vacation:
England, Alaska and swimming with dolphins
3 kids' names you like:
Rachel, Madison and Thor (ok, couldn't come up with a boy's name)
3 things you want to do before you die:
Bring someone to Christ, Make a difference in people's lives, bring peace to a troubled group, heart or family
3 ways I am stereotypically a boy:
Ummm, I like girls, I like grilling and I'm sometimes emotionally detached
3 ways I am stereotypically a girl:
I LOVE to talk about feelings (mine and other's), I like hugs and I like hard cider (if you haven't been in England trust me, this is a VERY girly thing)
3 celeb crushes:
Lea Thompson in high school (when she was in Spacecamp) and umm, I didn't really have crushes on celebrities...
There you go. My next victims are... Umm....
Rob Because for some reason he's liked doing these things lately.
And two other people from church or youth group, you all decide who wants to do it!
Though if you don't want to fill it out then please feel free not to :)
3 comment(s):
You are so silly. Thor! Hahaha.
Thanks for filling it out. I love these surveys because you can really find out stuff about the person even though you don't really think that you are saying much.
You're awesome. :)
Cindy, at
5/26/2005 9:54 PM
I think I'll try it, I'm a sucker for these things.
Jess, at
6/01/2005 9:18 AM
OK, when you do the Meme I tagged you for, I'll do this one. Fair?
Actually, this one kinda looks like fun.
Anonymous, at
6/04/2005 2:54 PM
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