Saturday, August 27, 2005


Ok, I know everyone says men never ask for directions. Truly, I am one of those men. Well, when it comes to driving anyway, I almost never ask or accept directions from passengers. In my defense I have a navigation system in my car, and I use it constantly, even driving around the neighborhood, finding faster ways to get home after dropping off the youth at their houses. Now, before this car I always researched where I was going, and gladly accepted directions from other people (no, I'm not the "typical male").

When it comes to living my life I tend not to be quite as good at taking direction. I like to lead others, but it is harder for me to take leadership. I feel like I have a lot of the answers, or that training or leadership don't tell me anything I don't already know. I mean, I get some information out of training, but I tend not to really gain a ton of knowledge (though I bet some of that may be my lack of listening correctly).

Over the last few years that has been changing a bit. Over the last two weeks that's been changing a LOT. I've been listening more and more to God and those around me. I'm not letting my personal navigational beacon guide me much anymore (notice I say much, my personal desires are still pushing me more than they probably should). I've been listening to God and actually seeking guidance from those around me who know more than I do.

Over the next few entries (and possibly years) I'm going to talk about where I feel God is leading my life. There will be the random thought bubbles to keep it interesting. But I feel like I feel as though I'd like people to know what it feels like to really be led by God. Hopefully it's as interesting as random thought bubbles (is that even a phrase).

As my wife noticed, I write better than I speak. I'm able to add details which I'm not able to communicate as well in person (though with my hand gestures and expressions I probably communicate a lot). If you're not interested, don't read. but if nothing else it gives me a way to give my wife a look into what I'm thinking and forgot to tell her, so we can talk more about it later. And really, besides God, what higher purpose do I have in life besides my wife and daughter?

So, here's to life changes. May they keep us fresh and following Him.


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