Monday, March 20, 2006

Where Are Your Parts?

Today I was sitting in church and looking over, one of the teenagers from youth group. I got to thinking that he and I get along well but there are just some things which seem to “dramatic” for me. I won’t explain anymore, since I’m not dying for the world to know who I’m referring to.

I was watching him and a thought plashed through my head, “that seems kind of dramatic, I wonder if it’s authentic or contrived”. Right after this thought went out of my head another one came in, “you know, I remember doing that in high school”. Yeah, apparently I’m a bit of a hypocrite and didn’t realize the extent of it.

After this realization I got to thinking about a lot of the youth, and even the other adults around me. I was thinking about how pretty much all of them share some trait with me. Now, in church, there’s at least that many (trust me, definitely not all) people share with me a belief in God and Christ. So I started thinking about other people I know or have met.

Last Monday two friends of mine from high school were in the area and we all hang out in D.C. with our respective families. I kept realizing just how incredibly different we are. While I’m still a bit liberal, listening to them talk also made me realize how much my views have changed over the past few years. I’m sure not conservative, but I’m also not as relaxed and liberal as they are. Call me an old fuddy duddy, but sometimes there seemed to be too much hand-holding and kissing going on.

We also have some strong loves which always bring us together. We are relaxed and view the world in about the same way. We just click when we’re talking. It just makes for a good time.

If I keep looking around I can see in everyone a little bit of me. I’d like to think that means I’m rubbing off on others, but I do see it for the reality that it is. I have taken a little bit of all those people and made those bits into the unique whole that I am right now.

So, if I’m taking a little bit from everyone around me, it goes to reason I’m contributing a little to who those people are as well. So, what one trait do I want to give to those around me?

Do I want to share my anger (actually not necessarily a bad thing, check out Rob’s talk on anger), my love, my kindness, my sincerity, my honesty, my irritation, my negativity, my hopelessness? What little bit of me do I want to give to the people I talk to today? It’d be so easy to pass out the irritation I see in others, but I think I’d rather give something to build up individuals. So today I may stick with honesty or positive well-being, since it will be a very long day of meetings at church.

What little bit of you will I be getting today?


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