Thursday, April 27, 2006

I Like This Youth Group the Best

I was talking to one of the teenagers who come to Starbucks on Thursday nights and he made a pretty interesting statement. He’d been to youth groups which had 200 people and others which had far fewer. Some had great leaders and some had insane amounts of money. But tonight he said he keeps coming back to Starbucks because it’s the place he likes the best and feels the most comfortable. He even wants to go on our retreat tomorrow, even though he did just find out about it two hours ago.

Statements like that are why I volunteer to do this job. I have some parents who think my evenings at Starbucks are a joke. There’s not much talk about God and mostly people just hang out in one of two big groups talking about whatever comes to mind. It sure isn’t structured the way many parents would like.

Over the past three years of these meting though I have seen a lot. I’ve been there during break-ups and when one guy asks the girl on her first date (both happened in the same evening recently, if you can believe it). I’ve been in the cold when no one showed up and in the summer when 60 people are running around and the manager came and said we were too loud (and we were sitting outside).

More than anything I’ve gotten to be there for real life. I get to hear the stories of what these teens go through each day, and I get to interject a tiny bit of wisdom whenever it fits. Really though I’ve just loved the chance to be a part of the lives of some teens who don’t go to church. I get to show them the love and acceptance Jesus has for them, without having to plan and keep them structured.

So, tonight was simply a great night. I had another of those chances to hear that what I’m doing does make a difference. As I’ve said in the past, I’ve made a difference in some people’s lives. I could die tomorrow and only regret leaving Erin and Rachel to early on. I love it even more to find out that I’m continuing to make a difference, and people still appreciate what I do.

When is the last time you heard someone say that about what you’ve done? Kevin didn’t say that it was directly anything I’d done. Just that he liked the friends he hangs out with and likes this group the best. I just feel so good knowing that a strong community of teens is forming in front of me. There are screw-ups and there are nerds. But they’re all getting along and growing together. God does work in some incredible ways.


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