Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Being My Own Best Friend

Anyone who has known me for a while has heard me steal the line from Spaceballs “I’m my own best friend”.

Barf says a bit more than that, he says “I’m a Mog. I’m half man, half dog. I’m my own best friend.” It just doesn’t seem to fit if I say all of that, but you do have to be impressed that I can remember that from 15 years ago (though I did watch it all day for a week in a row). Hint there, if you want to get me a present, pick up the Spaceballs Deluxe edition for me.

Anyway, I was doing my monthly MySpace checkup. I go in, see what comments I have, updated blogs, friend requests and such and give a quick reply.

I was looking at my own comments and figured I should add one in there. So I go and click “Add Comment” and get this message:

Well, apparently I was wrong; I really am not my own best friend.

Heck, from the first six words I have no friends at all. Boy, I can’t even change my top 8 friends. It just goes to show that apparently MySpace doesn’t know everything.

I’m sure there’s a message in there, and it’s teasing my brain for tomorrow night’s talk.

As for now I think I’ll go enjoy some time with my best friend. I may even let my wife come.


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