Sunday, May 14, 2006

Mother’s Day

Well, as you may know, today is Mother’s day. Now, I was a great husband and let my wife take a nap while I mowed and grocery shopped. Ok, no card, no flowers, I’m the worst husband ever. Thankfully I have parents who sent my wife flowers. At least I called my mom and stepmother and had Rachel talk to them :)

Here’s what will really stick with me from today… I heard the best mother’s day sermon I have ever heard.

Our seminarian Ann did the sermon and just changed things up a bit, which created for a great message. She and another woman worked together and recited letters between a mother and her daughter.

When it started I thought she may have taken it from another sermon or story. It became clear though, that this was originally done by Ann and Martha. They composed something so moving, I found myself tearing up. I really did feel like it would be something circulated around the Internet.

If you missed it this morning, I’d recommend you give it a listen. Reading the sermon may be good, but listening to it will really make it move you.

Hopefully I’ll be able to get the mother’s slideshow up as well, but you really need to give it a listen (now in MP3). Check it out.


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