Work has been incredibly slow lately. So slow I’m seriously considering looking around at positions in other companies, finding a way to work from home, or really beginning this discernment process I’ve put on hold. So, if you have any job leads for Web developers, preferably in a Christian related field, let me know.In the short term I get to go to a conference on marketing and making talks/sermons in church really interesting and interactive. It’s called the Buzz conference. It’s all about creating a Buzz in the world about God and your church community. I’m pretty excited about going.
It didn’t completely occur to me until recently that I’ll be going to the conference alone. Normally this would make me a bit uneasy. I mean, I’ll be around hundreds of other people without anyone I know to hang out with. Maybe I’m growing up or something, but I’m excited that this will mean I get to meet some new people. I’m really hoping to meet some people who are in the same boat I am, a somewhat small church (compared with a couple of church leaders going with 10,000 members or more).
But more than anything I’m hoping to come away with some ideas on how to share God’s love with other people. How to deepen the faith of people around me, and start the process for those who don’t know God.
I was just talk to Greg, a small group leader for the 40 Day Revolution. He mentioned the same thing that surprised me. These teens may feel uncomfortable, and may be doing things they’ve never done before. But they are all doing them, and excited about making a difference. I truly hadn’t expected that reaction. Some of the teens are really doing every event on every day, and making real commitments to those around them. Already they’ve brought 3 or 4 other people into the fold and have them taking part.
I can’t wait to hear what god has waiting for me to learn today and tomorrow. I’ll definitely be writing on it, in case you’re curious. I really do want to create a Buzz about God in everything I do... It's what Jesus wants all of us to be doing.
1 comment(s):
Glad you are enjoying Buzz! Tomorrow will be a blast.
David Russell, at
5/04/2006 8:51 PM
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