Friday, May 26, 2006

Caving Update

I received a comment asking where we went caving (spelunking, whatever). Since this is the first comment from someone I don't know, I figured it definitel ydeserved a response. This is also giving me the push the create the flikr photo gallery which you'll find linked on the right.

I don't have a ton of details, we had a great guide from a spelunking club, Mr. Johnson. Here is what I do know.

We went to Jones Quarry in Berkeley County, WV. the cave is gated and you need to get access from the owner of the land, there's actually a man who oversees the access and giving out keys.

The area was great. We had a porta-potty (not the best, but at least it was something) and there was pretty easy access into the cave (we had a rope to pull us up the side of the hill).

I would definitely recommend checking it out. Here are some links I've found referring to Jones Quarry (you'll need to search on it in the page). Otherwise I can check with Mr. Johnson for more details.


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