Monday, May 22, 2006

Deep Thoughts - Church Attendance

Lately I’ve been going to conferences, reading marketing materials and reading church blogs to find ways to bring people into a relationship with Christ. My friend (ok, he’s my priest too) Rob sent over a this link by the Assistant Village Idiot (I LOVE this name by the way. Here was my initial take.

I’d agree with the idea that they tend to be dabblers, though I also think people are curious to learn more. That might be why I am not so excited when listening to Mark Batterson’s sermons while I do like Erwin McManus’. Erwin’s seem to come with a challenge and assumption to learn more. At the same time, I don’t really think I’m “learning” much from either.

I’ve been thinking a lot about that and “numbers” in church. I think some of the big churches:
  1. Meet a need that the community desires (likes coffee, wants to be entertained, wants to meet people, needs a vacation from kids etc.)

  2. Tell them that they are loved and accepted for who they are, no strings attached

  3. Give a flashy show or interesting talk without a lot of depth

The real question is: what should a Sunday sermon be? Is the purpose really to delve deeply into the bible (which it seems the Assistant Village Idiot is suggesting) or is it to get people wanting more? These churches focus on Sunday morning being the big “marketing weekend” as Ed Young said. After that they are plugged into groups which should be deepening their faith through bible studies and such.

This is the goal of Creation as well. Main stage talks which make you feel good, smaller side talks which go a little deeper (though still working on making you feel welcome, giving some challenges as well).

The scripture is a little bit lost in this focus of brining people in. A passage or two are mentioned, but the interpretation is definitely lighter than many people who have gone to church for years would want or need. I mean, how many times do you really want to hear the parable of the mustard seed discussed? Where are the stories from the Old Testament or the focus outside of the gospels?

The question is, where’s your focus? Back to the purpose of Sunday morning. Is it to bring in new faces, or are we keeping the deeper believers satisfied? I doubt it’s easy to do both.

I firmly believe that churches like Granger or Willow will bring in people on Sunday’s. Those people will find a community they like and then begin volunteering and taking part. As they volunteer to help Sunday services they also bring friends. These people who stick around will go to bible studies to deepen faith. Eventually they will lead bible studies and other talks, further deepening their experience. That being said, I think more people attend the small groups and begin leading groups that fit their interest (new mothers, marriage, singles, etc…) and aren’t quite as interesting in figuring out what more there is. They are volunteering, they are furthering God’s message, and they are giving of their money, so (according to Sunday mornings) they must be doing it right.

Of course, these are raw, barely reflected on thoughts. So any comments pointing out ways I could be smarter are greatly appreciated.


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