Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Compliments from Strangers

A week and a half ago I got relatively sick. I was thinking it was hoof and mouth disease (sorry, hand, foot and mouth, easy mistake, hehe) since Rachel got it. It also seemed that Erin had it, so it only made sense. It doesn’t help that Erin, Rachel and I all share everything even when she’s sick.

So, a week later I’m worse than ever while everyone else is fine. Definitely not fair.

I bowed to peer pressure Saturday and went to the urgent care center (it took my doctor 3 hours to call back from my page, needless to say I don’t feel bad looking for a new doctor). The doctor diagnosed me with strep and I was given a great prescription which has definitely helped.

While I was at the urgent care facility the doctor looked at my chart around the middle and asked me if I was 31. He said I looked a lot younger. That got me to thinking about comments we get from strangers.

The doctor had no reason to say it, which made me hear it as a fact (it may have even helped that he was a doctor). When a friend pays us a compliment, we hear it more as an opinion. Needless to say, it made me feel pretty good when a stranger said it.

It’s pretty easy to compliment someone we know. We do it because we want to make them feel good, but also because we recognize those qualities which make them great.

It’s harder to compliment a stranger, but when we do, that person appreciates it a lot. They’ll often think of the compliment even days later. It’s been three days and I’m still thinking about what the doctor said.

So, when is the last time you complimented someone you’ve only just met? The check-out person at the grocery store, or that server at the restaurant? A simple thank you can make someone’s day. Letting them know just specifically why you appreciate what they did (and what made them stand out) will brighten their week. Why don’t we do it more often?


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