Monday, June 05, 2006


Tonight was one of those milestones in your child’s life which definitely needs to be remembered. Tonight Rachel asked the big question, Why? Every answer I gave her got another Why?

Now, I’m sure you’ll think I’m going to say something deep like… It got me to wondering, why don’t we look at the world and just ask “Why?” Why do I work at a place where I don’t make a difference? Why do I accept Jesus in my life? Why do I love leading people? You’d be wrong.

After just 10 minutes of it, I’d recommend not asking Why.

Ok, maybe that’s not completely true. But people who give advice on asking “Why” really don’t have any kids. Hearing that questions 20 times in a row does give you hope that she’s looking with wonder at the world, but it also can drive you to drink.

Truly though, it was a really neat night. I love when she does something new, and it seems like most of the new things she does are pretty big. She’s just smart and athletic all over. I’m told I should enter her in dance, but I think gymnastics will be her first class.

In any case, it does make sense to look at this world and ask the questions no one else is asking. Why isn’t my elbow double hinged? Why do I only get two opposable thumbs? Why aren’t I doing something that changes the world every day? Most importantly, why am I so blessed to have such an incredible daughter, wife, friends and family around to support me?


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