Songs in the Key of Summer
At church we’re working on a new sermon series for the summer (ok, we’ve been working on it for over a month). One of the things I’m generally tasked to do for a series is to put together a graphic making it “interesting”. Of course, what I find interesting or catchy sure doesn’t mesh with everyone.So, I’m turning to the general public (or the public that ready my blog anyway). Here’s what we’ve (I loosely include my wife in the We) come up with so far. If you’d be so kind, please let me know what you think and what you’d change.

1 comment(s):
hey. Very clever. I like it. Though I can see how it might be hard from some people to tell what the image is supposed to be (unless they've seen the picture it came from.) I would recommend staying away from using the band names... it makes it look a little bit more cluttered (plus I have changed a few songs). The background is cool.
Jess, at
6/25/2006 2:47 PM
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