Tuesday, August 08, 2006


What are you passionate about?

Recently this question has come to the forefront of my mind. There’s no question that this goes along with my priorities. While your priorities give an idea to what your passions are, they don’t cover everything. I mean, what do you really get fired up about? What do you get upset about when you see other people brushing it away?

Recently I’m discovering that wile I love youth ministry, I’m incredibly passionate about it too. Notice though, it’s not a big priority for me, and honestly it’s been recommended that I take (and I greatly welcome) a sabbatical. Time off, and stepping back from the intense role I’ve had for the past 4 years sounds magnificent to me.

How can I be passionate about something I am excited to leave behind? I can’t really explain it. But I do know that I’ve made some incredible relationships with this youth group, and I truly think they have helped me grow as much, if not more than I’ve ever helped them.

What’s gotten me to recognize this passion? We are working on a recommendation to bring in The Riddle Group to help implement an evaluation they put together for us a few months ago. They had some unique, focused and really creative ideas for getting parents and teens involved in the life of the church and the community while growing their faith at the same time.

As with many decisions regarding money, you find a lot of differing opinions. Lots of confusion about what the money may go to and the different priorities individuals hold dear.

We’re having a vote soon to decide whether to bring The Riddle Group on. I’m a bit nervous about this, since it’s going to be a very clear expression of how others view my passion. It’s not a black or white decision, where we decide to spend our money (and where we don’t) shows what the community holds close.

While this one decision would not ever make me want to leave the church, I don’t think any one decision should be a reason to leave… It will certainly let me know the importance of youth ministry.

As of late I’ve been thinking about what I’ll say regarding all of this. Truthfully it will probably go something like this…

Actually, after writing it down I realized that I’m already on a bit of a tirade (or rant to stick with Web terms) and the last statement really isn’t well suited to the broad community. So, I’m leaving it off.

All I can ask from you right now is your prayers and support. I truly feel God leading one way, please pray to support the church in god’s plan for it (whether it’s what I see as right or to help me recognize that I am incorrect).

In any case, I can tell you that I love the passion I feel for the youth both within and outside of St. Matthew's. I'm glad God has blessed me enough to let me share my life with them.

What are you passionate about? What get's your blood boiling?

Passion (not peace),

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