Monday, October 16, 2006

Would I Miss It If I Lost It?

When it comes to parenting, I am the one who apparently gets to enjoy the firsts with Rachel.  I was the first one to let her fall on her head (she slipped right off the bed and plopped right on her head).  Poor Erin missed out on that fun.

Well, today I got to have yet another first with Rachel.  Once again, Erin wasn't around to see the glorious moment.

Rachel knocked over some chili on the ground in a parking lot.  I picked it up, having her help out so she'd stay close.  As I put the remaining chili in the car (a process that took at most 1/2 of a second) I turn and she's disappeared.  I immediately get crazy nervous.  I run to the back of the car...  Guess what?  No Rachel.  At this point my heart is racing, I look around frantically, and tears begin to form.  I hop 1 step to my left and I see her walking to her door to the van, ready to get in.

You always hear about the parent who loses their kid when they looked away from just one second.  I can't believe it was me, and that I lost her in a parking lot.  Thankfully my kid is a genius and knew exactly what she was doing the whole time.  I'm also glad God has graced me with a short memory and healing heart so I won't be paranoid every time Rachel is out of my sight for one second.

On the way home I was thinking about what a great story this actually is.  If you lost something, how much would it matter to you?

If I lost my keys, No biggie, get them replaced, I'm out at most $100 (car keys are expensive to replace). 

If I lost my wallet, just cancel the cards, I'm out the gift cards.

If I lost my job, I'd be pretty upset.  In the end though, there are other jobs.

If I lost my house, being homeless you suck.  It would be hard, probably the hardest thing I've ever done.  When it comes down to the wire though, the things I lost can be replaced.  5 years later I wouldn't really miss that old stuff.  All of it.

What if I'd really lost Rachel?

It's moments like these that really make me recognize what love means.  We always talk about love as something you can't quite quantify or describe in detail.  Here's what I can tell you. 

You will know you love something the moment you think you have lost it.  You'll know that it can't ever be replaced, you'll wonder if you can live without it and you'll ask what to do with you life now.  You'll also realize that you would give up the keys, the wallet, the job and the house just to get that thing back.

God gave me a huge scare and an even greater gift tonight. I'm glad it ended quickly and happily.


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