The consideration of others
I am often amazed at the consideration one person gives to another. In this life of drivers on the road not caring about anyone around them but themselves, it tends to surprise me when one person goes out of their way for another. Last week I was surprised close to tears.Christine, a at church, and high-schooler I often talk about authors and books in general. She's recently (in the last few years) discovered the author Neil Gaiman. He's an English author who writes generally dark comedies. While he isn't my favorite author (he's Christine's favorite) he's pretty high up there.
Neil Gaiman recently published a new book, Anansi Boys. Christine and I had talked about it, how cool it was that he had a new novel coming out (he doesn't have that many full novels, lots of comics, short stories and kids stories). While we'd talked about it all, I planned to buy the book but hadn't given it much more thought past that.
Gaiman has been touring recently and giving book signings. Christine got to hear him speak twice, Saturday on the Mall (in DC, that big swath of land between the Washington Monument and the Capitol, it's not a shopping mall, trust me), and Sunday at a Border's near us. She even got a bunch of books signed, one for her dad and a few for herself.
You should have heard how excited she was. She has pictures with him and everything. I've heard some of the stories but I know there are even more lurking which she has forgotten to share. Sufficed to say while signing her books, Neil Gaiman took the time to actually talk to Christine. He semi-posed for a picture and went on a big rant (in a kind and joking manner) about digital cameras. It was amazing that this man who had over 300 people to sign books for took time to actually talk one on one with Christine.
But that's not the best part.
On Wednesday I ended up driving Christine and her sister to bible study (I'm a youth minister, I get youth to church any way I can :) ). She handed me a copy on Anansi Boys which she had signed and told me to read the dedication. so I flip open the book and kind of skim the dedication, a little jealous Christine got to talk to Neil Gaiman and got the book signed...
Then I looked at it again. It still took a minute to click. It was my name at the top of the dedication.
I couldn't believe Chrstine, who is a non-working high-school student, and thus insanely poor, actually bought me a hardcover book at Borders and got it signed. I mean, this is something she did only for her dad. I was moved beyond words.
It is people like Christine that make me realize this world is an awesome place to be. Someone who listens to you and actually listens. Listens enough to know what kind of present to get without being told, and without there even being a reason to get a present.
I haven't posed questions much lately. But here's one for you. Are you the type of person Christine is? I know with my life as hectic as it has been lately, I haven't been as considerate as she was. But now I'm really going to focus on others more than on myself. Will you?
1 comment(s):
im just deleting xanga to create another site like on myspace or sompthing and ive started to write in my notebooks and stuff more than online but i think im just gonna set all the entries to private and maby thatl work idk ill have to think about it a little more
Anonymous, at
11/14/2005 10:18 PM
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