Thursday, March 23, 2006

Secrets? Tell Someone!

I’ve been reading Nate’s blog recently. I won’t go into details, but he’s kind of interesting if not exactly my type of guy. He just spent 3 weeks in an unheated cabin in the snowy mountains for some reflection… I think I’ll reflect in the Summer.

Long story not too short he posted a link to the PostSecret blog. Definitely check it out. It’s a blog where people mail in their secrets and some guy named Frank posts them up on the blog anonymously. You’ve got some sad secrets, some funny ones and some which can be a bit scary. Honestly I can only hope that some of these people have gotten counseling.

At the same time there are some good stories in here. Stories of problems people have had and how they finally got help. A few even make it pretty clear that without someone loving the person with a secret, things could have been far worse than they were.

I was reminded that all of the conversations and relationships I make with other people have the potential to change their lives. It also reminds me that there will always be something about everyone that I don’t know. Really it reminded me that the times when I just don’t want to listen to someone’s problems are probably the times I should be listening the closest.

When’s the last time you were listening to someone talk about their troubles but you mind just wasn’t all there?

I’m thinking it’s time for me to mail in a postcard to Frank… Now if I can only figure out something I’ve never said about myself to someone…


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